I notice more and more cake recipes made with vegetable oil, i do not fancy this but have decided to give it a try. Can anyone who regularly makes their cakes with oil tell what sort they use please and what they think to the results - thank you - janet.
I often put it in carrot cakes, including some of the packet ones, it gives a more moist finish that doesn't dry out too quick once you start cutting into it to serve
It's becoming the 'in thing' to use veg oil instead of butter because it has far less saturated fat.... results tend to be very similar, if not better, than using butter or marg.
Tanethank you all for your interestin answers, it seems I have been missing something by not using oil. I will certainly give it a try now after all your endorsements and thank you for taking the time to answer Janet
Hi mrs m i always use this one for either, one large or 12 small cakes, it works just as well when adapted to make most basic cakes (chocolate, coffee & walnut etc).
I've used it for a lot of American cakes-which are not as standard in the amounts used as cakes in the UK. So-I always use about 15% less of what is suggested.... if it is 10oz butter (that's volume not weight-measured in a measuring cup) I'll use 8.5oz oil.