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What is sushi

A. Sushi is a traditional Japanese cuisine based on raw fish as the key ingredient. Q. Where does it come from A. Origianlly, Osaka and Tokyo about 1,000 years ago. It was used then as a method of00:00 Mon 05th Mar 2001

What's the most famous cocktail in the world

A. Dry Martini, shaken not stirred, of course. This has been James Bond's tipple for over fifty years. The correct ingredients are three measures gin, half a measure dry martini, ice to strain it all00:00 Mon 05th Mar 2001

Nice, naughty or nutritious

by Nicola Shepherd With the shock revelation earlier this month that a Pret A Manger sandwich can contain more calories than a Big Mac, what else should we know about the surprises our larders,00:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

What vegetables are in season now

by Nicola Shepherd All the best cookery books tell us to cook with vegetables that are in season. What does in season mean With supermarkets buying from all over the world to bring us00:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

Is wine taking over from beer as the Brits' favourite drink

by Nicola Shepherd Until ten years ago Britain was a nation of beer-drinkers. Since then beer consumption has fallen from 140 litres per person per year to 120 litres, and wine consumption has risen00:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

Hubble, bubble, boil and bottle

by Nicola Shepherd EVER thought of making your own wine and beer at home It is cheaper than buying the real thing, but the results can be variable, so it's best not to make price your motivation00:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

Rare or medium rare Fantastic foods from far flung places

by Nicola Shepherd IT IS still generally true that you won't find your fellow Brits munching on some unmentionable part of a monkey, or chewing on anything with more than four legs. But we are00:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

For the cook who has everything

by Nicola Shepherd WHAT do you buy for the cook who has everything Why, the ultimate kitchen gadget of course. Here are a few suggestions: Electric pepper grinder - comes complete with light in00:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

Secret recipes, mystery ingredients

by Nicola Shepherd IT'S official. The recipe found in an old notebook in a box in Colonel Sanders' former home is not the original recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). But the speed with00:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

More questions than answers

By Nicola Shepherd ONCE again visitors to The AnswerBank have come up with some intriguing food and drink-related questions in the last few days. Some questions you think you can answer straight00:00 Fri 12th Jan 2001

Passengers for Lobster Thermidor gate 24

by Nicola Shepherd THE Univesity of Surrey has just appointed its first Professor of airline food. He is called Peter Jones, he has a half a million pound budget and his mission is to get us to00:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Delicious invasion

by Nicola Shepherd HAILED as the latest undiscovered food fad, Lebanese mezze (mixed starters) are causing the juices to flow for some of the UK's top restaurant critics. Once dismissed as either00:00 Mon 05th Feb 2001

Is organic really good for you

by Nicola Shepherd IS ORGANIC food all it's cracked up to be persists that organic vegetables are pesticide-free and that organic meat is antibiotic-free. Claims00:00 Mon 05th Feb 2001

Food firsts

by Nicola Shepherd A ticklish taste of obscure food trivia. Ten things you really don't need to know about food and drink: When the first McDonald's hamburger restaurant opened in Kuwait in 199400:00 Mon 05th Feb 2001

Would sir like gravy with that

by Nicola Shepherd THE barricades of food snobbism are at last coming down. Maxim's, which has a long-held reputation of being one of Paris's most exclusive and best restaurants, now has club00:00 Mon 29th Jan 2001

The French have the bleus

by Nicola Shepherd SACRE BLEU! The Michelin Guides are being run by a Brit. It was only last December that all 38 three-Michelin starred chefs from all corners of Europe gathered at the Plaza00:00 Mon 29th Jan 2001

Knowing your asperges from your bavarois

by Nicola Shepherd RESTAURANT menus littered with French culinary terms can be baffling, so here's The AnswerBank's A-Z of enjoying food French-style, helping you through from hors d'oeuvres to00:00 Mon 29th Jan 2001

A wine for all reasons

by Nicola Shepherd CHOOSING wine is a tricky affair. So, which wine do you take to a party or a dinner How can you use wine to impress a new boss or a first date Which wine goes with dessert 00:00 Mon 29th Jan 2001

Into the mouths of babes

by Nicola Shepherd Two major supermarket chains have just launched a new range of specially prepared organic convenience foods aimed at children. You couldn't feed a family of four on Bob the00:00 Mon 22nd Jan 2001

The alternative Italian kitchen

By Oliver Goggi ITALY, a country known for its beautiful cars, fabulous art and sexy women also boasts a terrific kitchen. With some 200 recipes for pasta alone you could easily enjoy a different00:00 Mon 15th Jan 2001

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