Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
Why do some lentils need soaking
A.� For�several reasons:�to soften them, to help them take up other flavours�before cooking and to�make sure that�you've got rid of any toxins in the skins. This latter doesn't really apply to most lentils, but they�are�pulses -�cousins of the bean family. Some pulses -�such as, in particular,�red and�black kidney beans, but also aduki, black-eyed and borlotti beans - need not only soaking but�boiling. You need to boil those�vigorously for 15 minutes to destroy the toxins. Sometimes they�require several hours soaking and then several hours cooking. Soaking depends on the length of time the beans have been stored -�the older the bean the longer the soaking time.
Q.� What kind of pulses are available
A.� Chickpeas need more soaking than any other pulses. They are an essential ingredient in hummus and are used in many casserole dishes.
Brown lentils are principally used in soups. Yellow split peas cook quickly and require little soaking. Pinto beans were the original ingredient of Mexican refried beans and flageolets have a delicate flavour. Haricot beans are widely used in salads and aduki beans - small red beans -�are the basis of the red bean paste used in Chinese cooking.
Mung beans are widely used in soups and casseroles. Red kidney beans, found in many chilli dishes, and black-eyed beans both work well with rice dishes. Green split peas are the main ingredient in pease pudding,and black kidney beans or black beans are the essential ingredient of a traditional Brazilian stew. Cannellini beans are an all-purpose bean found in lots of soups and salads, and green and red lentils are widely used in this country in vegetable soups. Borlotti beans, which hail from Italy, are used in pasta and bean or minestrone soup. Soya beans are very dense and take longer than any other pulses to cook. They have little flavour of their own and need other flavours such as garlic to produce a tasty dish. They form the basis of soya milk, tofu and soya bean paste. Large butter beans are traditionally added to hearty savoury dishes or can be pureed as a vegetable accompaniment.
Q. What nutrients do pulses contain
A.� Lentils and beans are a good source of fibre. They are a particularly good source of zinc during winter. A� zinc deficiency� can make your body susceptible to colds and bugs, so zinc-rich foods such as brown rice, beans, lentils, peas and watercress, are important at this time of the year.
Q.� What's the easiest dish to cook with lentils
A.� One of the simplest is cream of lentil soup, which uses split red lentils. Always check the packet of any pulses or beans and follow the cooking guidelines.
You will need:
1 large carrot, thinly sliced
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 celery stick, thinly sliced
1 potato, thinly sliced
40g (11/2 oz) butter
100g (4oz) red split lentils
handful of parsley
1 pint of fresh milk
1/2 pint chicken stock or water
salt and pepper
150ml (5fl oz) single cream
1 tbsp chopped parsley
In a saucepan, fry vegetables gently in butter for seven to 10 minutes. Add lentils, parsley, milk and stock. Bring to the boil, lower heat, cover and simmer gently for an hour. Liquidise or rub through a sieve and return to the pan. Reheat gently. Stir in cream just before serving and sprinkle with parsley.
For more food and drink questions and answers, click here
by Katharine MacColl