If you are flying the Cessna and you have your nav 2 frequency set to 113.60 (Heathrow Airport) there will be a mileage indicator to heathrow. Set your nav 1 to 110.30.
The flight path indicator will not work unless you have the correct frequency set for the airport you want to land at, Set it in your radio panel.
When you are around 20 miles from heathrow and in line with the runway the glide slope and heading indicator will start working, fly at 3000ft. This is the top right circular instrument on your main panel which has a cross in it and is like a compass.
The vertical line allows you to line up with the runway and the horizontal line is the glide slope.
If the vertical line swings to the left, turn left to keep it vertical and your Cessna in line with the runway.
The horizontal line must be kept level, that indicates your glide slope, if it drops increase altitude, if it goes up decrease altitude. You do not have to look at the runway all the time, if you keep the indicator as a perfect cross you will land perfectly.
Good luck with it.