Xbox Controller Problem in The AnswerBank: Gaming
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Xbox Controller Problem

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albaqwerty | 15:11 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Gaming
5 Answers
young Alba was quite happily playing skyrim when he told me the controller has become a southpaw (rude beggar)
It's the joystick doodahs on it and he can't find anything to get it back to normal.
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There has to be a menu - In there it will have controller settings
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That's what I told him Dave, he is probably just blind. I'll wait until his brother comes in and he can have a look.
Thank you for taking your time to answer.
Tell him to go into the gameplay menu and click to invert axis (according to my oh).
-- answer removed --
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Many thanks to you Daffy and Triggs.

(I leave the xbox alone as their TV doesn't like me much)

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