National Lottery Suspcious in The AnswerBank: Gaming
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National Lottery Suspcious

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gordiescotland1 | 16:05 Sun 24th May 2015 | Gaming
21 Answers
So its a quadruple rollover on wednesday is this a manipulative ploy to get people to spend more money people that cant afford it. I bet its all computerised so that this can happen
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It's the Russians
a quadruple rollover, only 10 or 12 million, is small beer when compared to the €urolottery rollovers.
Damn and here I was waiting to check my numbers in the absolute certainty I would be 10 million quid better off by tomorrow .... oh bums!!!!
Surprised nobody is blaming the Tories.
OK Shoota. I blame the Tories!
I don't recall seeing a firing squad outside the newsagents this morning forcing me to buy a ticket........
Alternatively this is exactly what you'd expect when the results of a competition are random. Just a thought.
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whoever gets it, I wish them bad luck i have seen a lot of stories of the money causing great misery and heartache and ill health. Having said that I hope its not me that wins lol just feeling bitter today knowing I will have to struggle to pay my 3 lines this week
If you are struggling to pay for three lines, just do one or, better still, none.
You have a notable amount of debt and are grumbling about having to pay for your three lines on the lottery??????

Are you familiar with priorities Gordie?
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But if its the manipulative system theyve got what if your numbers come up and you dont have them on. I pick the same 3 lines ever since it started in 1994 it terrifies me that I dont buy a ticket they wont come up.
Why wish bad luck to those who win? They may...just may...need the money like you do. Wish them well....besides,it's all luck.
Don't look at the results then, gs1
Gordie, OH won the Euromillions - £3.20!
Not buying a ticket and the numbers not coming up is nothing to worry about then......is it?
Wow, even I am not that cynical.
Aye it is not wise to not have a random set each time. But you can go cold turkey and never check again.
"Whoever gets it, I wish them bad luck"
Have I read that correctly?
What a sad man!

Hi Gordie!
-- answer removed --
used to do the lottery every time with the same numbers......got so i could not afford to do it so i didn't and didnt look out for the results......simples

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