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What Constitutes Gambling

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malagabob | 16:16 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Gaming
5 Answers

Police in Costa del Sol have clamped down on bars holding bingo sessions, where money is the prize. If you pay a stake for the ticket.

Does that mean if you didn't buy to participate it's not gambling. I know the stake is to raise money for the prize. But I was curious.




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malagabob. If you speak Spanish, why not ask the local police, rather than AB?

Purchasing a ticket to participate in a game with a prize constitutes gambling. However, in the UK, if the game is associated with a charity or aimed at raising funds for an organization, such as a church or village hall, it is typically exempt. My suspicion is that the crackdown on Spanish bingo sessions will primarily affect British participants, and it seems the Spanish authorities are intent on making life as difficult as possible for British visitors.

Gambling means risking an asset - money or anything of value - in the hope of winning a greater asset.

So if it is free to enter, or participate, it can't be gambling 

I have never played Bingo but believe you have to buy a card or book of cards. If there was no payment to play the game there woud be no prizes so what would be the point?

Some hotels have free bingo sessions in their bars during the afternoon or early evening, with modest prizes.

They hope you will buy a drink and stay for the evening, buying more drinks. Common in hotels that cater to coach parties but I've known some pubs do similar.

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