Every chance of getting one, there are several shops including Game, Comet and Argos who have not started taking orders for thier allocation on release day. Keep your eyes open and get in quick when they start taking orders. (like me)
I cant see the sense in rushing out and buying an unproven machine on release day. I'm sure my trusting old Xbox will see me through until the next gen prices come down. Also we'll see which machine is being developed and has the best games.
Put your Pre order in now to avoid "dissapointment" lol.
They cost around �400 for just the machine, you need an HDTV as well to get the best out of it.....it will still look great on a normal TV but the bluray player will be rendered unseless.
"being a plastation person" means missing out on plenty of good games.
Nobody knows whether the PS3 games will be any good, so why buy one? Wait for independent reviews, and don't concentrate on one brand.
i want to buy an xbox 360 because i know il have to wait untill november for the ps3 but i will definately be getting a ps3 anyway so i dont know if getting an xbox will be a waste of money ....
also i read today that the better (more expensive) 60gb ps3 will be coming out on the 26th of jan 2007 but im not sure whether this is true
the ps3 is due out for christmas but unless you queue for ages, it will be hard to get one. expect to pay through nose for it . wait until march 07 it may be a little cheaper. it is supposed to be worth the wait.