My 7 year old daughter is asking Father Christmas ( wink wink ) for a Nintendo DS handheld game. Q1. Is she too young for the games etc Q2. What is the general view on this piece of kit. Has anyone got any reviews good or bad ? Any replies welcome.
My sons of 7 and 6 are both asking for one this year as well. Only problem is that one wants the ice blue colour and the other a navy one - neither of which are available in the UK. But they don't understand that Santa might not be able to get those colours!
my 7 year old son is autistic ( excuse my spelling, its awful )
we got him 1 last august and he has hardly put it down,
the games are great..he has ice age 2....shrek 3....dogs.....over the hedge...etc
they are games for his age range ( even though i help him every now and again he knows how to play them and it keeps him quiet for ages ( especially when he is wearing headphones )
definatly recomend as good on car journeys as the battery lasts for approx 15 hours
my 7 year old neice bought one with money she had saved up and she is great with it and has lots of fun. Now 8 years old and still has great fun with it - her mum and I have been doing the Brain Train on it too, so much so I want one of my own for my Christmas. Dont know the names of her favourite games but one is looking after horses and the other is a little dog. Cannot think of any critisism of it.
the DS is neither good or bad,
it all depends on the games you will buy.
If you're gonna randomly buy shovelware ( dumb and mediocre games such as the ones named after movies or cartoons ), then it will be a waste of time for your child and a waste of money for you.
But if you make the effort to find out which games are actually good, then yes, it is definitely a good investment.