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Handheld game consoles.

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Alfee | 16:17 Mon 10th Nov 2008 | Gaming
8 Answers
Which is better, the Nintendo DS or PSP and why?


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lol just asked the same question earlier.

Think the psp is the better console and it has a joystick thing, but I like the nintendo ds brain training so it depends what typ of games you want to play really
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DS strictly for games
PSP for okish games and other content eg video,music and photos
Lol @ Vibrasphere - i'm a girl and prefer the DS. Though i hate all the nauseating games they seem to aim at women - Nintendogs, Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing and all those other games where you have to raise kittens or babies or horses.

I think the DS is better for puzzle type games that make use of the touch screen. We've got a 360 and a PS3 so if i wanted to play on a 'proper' game i would just play on the consoles.
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my kids have both and they pefer the DS much better for games.
Lol. That's when you know you've a great game -when you give it a standing ovation.

Do you mean the Tranquility Lane quest - cos i havn't got there yet. Have also gone back to Fable II to play as a bad guy cos i felt so let down by being good. On Fallout i've been trying to be good. Then i enslaved someone and felt really guilty!
hi i have both and i think thay are both good you can play games watch movies and lisen to music on both but you can get more games on ds graet for hols hpoe this helps

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