Anybody with a broken x box with 'ring of death' don't leave it sat about because you think it may cost you loads. My bloke gave me his to sort because he hates rining people up etc. I went onto Microsoft website registered the repair, was sent label to stick on package, and booked pick up, A lovely bloke came to pick it up last week it was shipped off to Germany, they repaired the mother board and I have just had it bought back today!! Didn't cost me a thing and they included a complimentary 1 months x box live membership card.
my bloke may be giving it to his flat mate who has recently been made redundant so may need it, but it was still at mine this morning so will probably still be there in 3 weeks so if it is I will let you know. xx
more often than not they just check your 360 is genuinely faulty and then send you a refurbished one in its place to keep things moving. thats what happened for us anyway.