Food & Drink4 mins ago
Video Games
I love The Beatles but if you don't fancy strumming an air guitar in your living room is there any point to buying the game. Also do you have to use three microphones for the harmonies or can you use...
I think they should be an British Ice Hockey Game come out.
After you pick either Anti-registration or Pro-registration and complete the game, does anybody know if it is possible to go back and play the other storyline? But without completely restarting a new...
please could you tell me how to get to the maintenance office on killzone 2 on ps3
how much do wii points cost at the shop
I have guitar hero world tour, Recently ive discovered some problems. My guitar will only strum upwards and wont strum downwards. Is there a way i can change this, or do i have to take it back. Also...
My grandson is now playing games on xbox live, whilst watching him last night I wondered if he was only playing with/against other xbox users or with/against ps3 users as well.
Can I play rock band games using guitar hero instruments?
Hi i was interested to know if you can play downloaded HD blu-ray film files on a new ps3. if so does it require any codecs or add ons to play them, which formats does the ps3 recognise for HD e.g...
i think i have finished all the levels and i have only 75% completed. why?
Just wondering if this new game can be used on the ds lite or if its only for the new dsi? thanks.
any one got any tips for cal of duty world at war ,when playing on line.
does anyone know how to flash the software on a psp? plus i have the 4gb memory stick duo which i know you need. Also where do i download the games from and how do i send them to the psp. Any info...
Does anybody when KOF XII is being released for the XBOX 360 in the UK??
I bought GH: World Tour for the ps3 complete with drums. I plugged the dongle into the first usb socket and paired with the drum kit. I was able to use the controls on the drums to navigate the xmb,...
How do I rescue the geishas? I can't enter the hideout through the window. What am I doing wrong?
i have watched the slide show on and it said my prize awaits me when i log onto my Xbox live acount when i log in but i have logged in and nothing has happend can anybody help and tell...
i thought it would be easy to connect my 360 directly to my ambit 256 virgin media modem, just an ethernet cable between the two, but i can't get it to work. i have tried a static ip address, power...
I am stuck on the Westminster Abbey puzzle in the Da Vinci Code. The puzzle I have been stuck on now for 5 days, is the symbol keys on Baron Hundsons tomb (the 4th poem)? can anyone help me please!