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Hi NikkiB, Thanks again! My contacts in Greece tell me that the translation from the Greek alphabet throws up some interesting variations - the most likely origin is Georgios Nikolaos Liondas or Liontas (or loads of other variations including Leonidas - he of the Spartans!). The other interesting thing is that the Greeks used the middle name, in the case of first born, to denote the name of the father, hence Georgios, son of Nikolaos Liondas.
Incidentally and to make you smile, George / Giorgios appears to have been a dirty devil, because he spawned my father whilst living with another lady in London and having already having had a child with her!!! I've only just found out that I have a cousin! Oddly, there are Liondas in every city where we know he's been!!! Who needs viagra???!!!
I'll check out the Google lead - I had not spotted it so thanks!