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Mosaic | 16:50 Tue 22nd Nov 2011 | History
27 Answers
Be interested in your views - I came across it and it struck me as a fine interpretation.


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Please send regards- she or her hubby are probably my distant cousins.

Grandad was Bill Morris, a foreman in the foundry - the qualification for the job was being able to knock anybody else down!
Sounds about right yes, will see if I can find out more on the painting too.
Interestingly , they will be getting another one day,

Venator, you may like this link, take the virtual tour to see if the painting is still there.
Thanks Mamalynne - I've not been back for ages, but the picture wasn't on view - shame, because I had my screwdriver and a big bag with me...
Oh well, worth a shot.
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What brilliant posts! You turn your back for a day and look what happens.
Thanks for all your insights - if you have enjoyed the vid will you recommend the link, as local museums need all the support they can get these days.
Markrae- loved the Mike Harding - I once shared headphones with him in a recording sesh (I was much much younger and he was barely known).

I hope copyright permissions were obtained for all thise wonderful Lowry paintings.....oooer!

Factor...Cotton thread! Wot yer like?

One old girl round these parts told me about the shuttle flying off the loom and taking the meat and tater out of the pie she was eating......

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