Cold War in The AnswerBank: History
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Cold War

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schmidtc3861 | 02:05 Tue 20th Dec 2011 | History
8 Answers
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We're quite good at answering questions but we're not mind readers!

If you've got a question to ask we need more than a heading and an email address (which is superfluous anyway).

A couple of links which MIGHT help (but that's a bit of guesswork without a proper question):


I also note (from your email address) that you're in Wisconsin. Posting on this (UK-based) site won't get you many replies at the moment because it's after 2am here! Try one of these US sites:


Perhaps the OP heard that you were on-line, Chris, and knew that he need look no further!!
Chris - what a cute avatar you have, google images is great!

How is noisy?
(With apologies to Schmidtc3861)

Hi Wolf.
Noisy has been living up to her name, waking me up several times during the night to fetch a towel (because she'd been outside in the rain)!
sorry schmidtc and that nasty person called Andrew who is not a cat slave. I don't think that he has much of a sense of humour either.

Chris - she should learn to roll around on the duvet, I have heard that this is an ideal way to dry off.

I had one at the vet yesterday - some lady rushed in with a dying (now dead) cat and the surgery reeked of doggie anal gland contents. Fun!
Will schmidtc3861 be returning to ask us a full question?
Doubt it - time for bedibyes in Winconsin.
I thought that you were using telepathy or something to come to that decision - but I suppose the email address sort of gives it away.

It is time for bedibyes in Perth too. :-)

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