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What were the results of each revolution?

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candylover | 16:29 Mon 26th Dec 2011 | History
48 Answers
The results of French and Latin America Revolution?


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this is more appropriate, from the Site Rules (and it applies to every one of us)
Discussions can get passionate but users should moderate their language and refrain from personal attacks and profanity. We encourage lively debate but name calling, harassment or abuse will not be tolerated.
candy you've been given some good advice here so I'm not sure why you're so defensive.
If you'd have explained you have already been looking and were stuck for some pointers, plus a little more specific information,I'm sure most people would be happy to give you some links should they know iof or find any.
-- answer removed --
boxtops, she is lucky not to have been reported by any of us. Guess as it is Xmas and giving her the benefit of age.

candy, my offer stands - if there are particular points you want some clarification, list them out and folk may endeavour to impart what they know
also candy - you don't have to tell us your age, we are fine about that, our youngest ABer at one time was about twelve (but no longer posting) - it just helps us to know if you are at GCSE level or starting university, we'd answer differently.
the reason this is hard to research is that the question is pretty hopeless. The French revolution - an internal civil war against the ruling aristocracy - can't really be compared with the colonial uprisings of the Latin American colonies against their European imperial overlords.

The short answer is that the latter won their independence, for better or worse; whereas the French did without their monarchs for a while, set out on military adventures, won, lost, got the monarchs back, removed them again, and are now fully republican, which is a mixed result at best.
Some of you are so good hearted but having told another ABer to shut his mouth I don't know why you're bothering any further to help.
she obviously has been reported DT, that insulting post has been removed :-)
prudie - i have son who has turned 16 today, maybe I'm having to be in an unusually tolerant mood :)
wasn't me who reported - was it the insult at MR that has gone? Surprised she has survived this far though....Mods are in a good mood.
oh dear chelle, a birthday on Boxing day must be tough for all concerned! Yes your tolerance levels must be tuned to high :-)
I have occasionally felt the urge to tell other ABers to shut their mouths, so I am naturally sympathetic. I also think candylover is having to to deal with a silly essay topic.
DT, yes - the one we saw before it was zapped :-)
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wow my "insult" to MR has been reported. lol u guys r unbelievable.
Sorry if you think it is rude, but im my opinion if you have an essay to do entitles "Who won the F
(oops sorry)
...rench Revolution" (bizarre topic, but then I'm rather out of touch with modern essays :-) ) then it's not really a wise move coming here for the answer.
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@ichkeria ???????????????
Hmmm... person comes on a site advertised for it's answers to questions... aks a question and gets 24 hours of flak... unique concept!
The problem as I see it Clanad, is that Candylover is in the habit of posing such loose questions on the same subject that several books-worth of writing would be needed to provide the answers, rather than half-a-dozen lines here. The questions are on the same subject, and from their form tend to indicate that little or no effort has been made to gain knowledge through other sources. 'Latin America Revolution'? Isn't the questioner even aware that there wasn't only one, but there were many? At what educational level is this? If I were of a suspicious nature I would be starting to think these questions were a wind-up. Perhaps other ABers are beginning to feel the same way, hence the tone of their responses!
Phew! Anyway, Merry Christmas, Clanad, and a Happy New Year!

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What were the results of each revolution?

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