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NatalieCrouc | 14:13 Mon 04th Jul 2005 | History
32 Answers
Could someone please interpret the following:  Now at the time appointed, the daughters of men gave birth, with wailing and gnassing of teeth.  And satan watched.  The children of satan grew and were strong, their hair was of gold, their eyes sky blue... and they ruled the earth.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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swedish people are evil and will rule the world??? or am i clutching at straws here?
Hmmm... where, excatly, is that in the Canon of Scripture?

I particularly like the way that because they're giving birth to Santa's (sic) kids the women wail and gnash their teeth. So unlike the normal painfree experience of an ordinary birth, eh?

Bad Santa!

oh lol you guys, be serious now
I wanna know where in the Bible this comes from, Natalie......
Iget the feeling that Natalie is coming here,with her "Bible" and trying to convert us all?
I had this feeling too mystress but dare not say in case I got told off.This is why I pointed her in the direction of the cynics bible in a previous post.

Basically, it means that god exists and unless we do  what the bible says we will all die in a hot pit forever. The bible is a bit hard to interpret (see above), but obey it anyway.

This is from Revelation, no? It's all written figuratively, to give hope to the early followers who  were about to become filet o christian for the lions.
KFC workers refer to it as there manual for employment these days!
MargeB I don't think this is biblical at all, the question title notwithstanding. I stand ready to be corrected by anyone who's memorised the Bible, of course.

I'm sorry my sides are aching too much to post.

<deep breath>

OK now I'm facinated as to where this little lot actually came from I can't find it in the King James Version (John 8:44 not withstanding) So possibly somewhere in the apocrapha (sic) or the book of Mormon perhaps.

Its not to do with all that cabala stuff is it?

Anyway all this looks and sounds like a troll and we're all shamelessly biting

More I read it more I smell 'Revelation'
Not from Revelation or any other Biblical source, MargeB...
Mmm... home-made I think.
I am awaiting the outcome of this thread with a wailing and gnashing of teeth.
but there teeth were gnassing, not gnashing! i think that is something about sucking mosquitos through your lips or something isnt it??

oh that's gnatting

course it is, silly me! maybe they were dyslexic then?
no, it's gnatting, gnatting at all. Y'understan? Gnatting.

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