lucky not to be screwed for war crimes in 1945 - but as Goebbels said - the victors write the histories...[ a quote used by the Archbish of C a few years ago I dont think the fella knew the provenance ]
A) a lot of bobs missed
and b) the destruction of Dresden in Feb 1945 almost caused a mutiny amongst the bomber crews... see wiki
and THAT was the reason why he didnt get a statue for fifty years
bad behaviour amongst the victorious Allies has a resonance today with the CIA torture report
and before anyone says whaaaaa ?
the CIA report is about bad behaviour amongst victorious allies whch didnt work, so there is a in fact a direct parallel
Oh that cruel Curtis LeMay. How nasty to order a bombing raid against those gentle, peace loving,artistic, considerate people. They gave a roof over the heads of their POW's, made sure their diet wasn't too fattening, housed them in a tropical Idyll and stopped their boredom by letting them build a full scale railway in their leisure time. One sleeper for every POW that died they say.