Male Rape And Sexual Assault in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Male Rape And Sexual Assault

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TheMacDonaldMan | 21:14 Fri 27th Nov 2015 | Society & Culture
4 Answers
I know this is a touchy subject for a lot of people, but is there any male out there who would be willing to share their story or rape or sexual assault if they have one? I am a 17 year old student who is trying to create a presentation to the older school audience on the subject matter and how to possibly prevent it and support yourself or victims. I understand if there is no reply but I don't want to make the presentation female orientated. Are there maybe some sights with forums with stories on them that I could use?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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mac - I don't think you would get a reply to your post as it would be very personal to all men I would think
Here you go.





As for what can be done to prevent it, the only piece of advice that will make a difference is the same as for women: be bloody careful who you get drunk around. That won't help, of course, if your rapist is a friend, lover or spouse, as most are, but at least it'll reduce the odds somewhat.

perhaps add a throwaway email address so anyone who wants to can contact you off here.
a lot of people kind of know each other on here so may not want others to know

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