Can't Decide What To Do..... in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Can't Decide What To Do.....

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gness | 14:52 Fri 07th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Prompted by AOG's thread on CB........

I'm in the Co-0p....and you know what it's like....you take a basket for your three or four items and you fill it......it is quite heavy and I need to get my purse from my bag......

As I go to put the basket down the youngish man behind me is saying......"Here, love....let me take that .....and I'll put it on the counter for you."

Does he think I'm too old to carry a heavy basket......or is it because he's a man and I'm a woman that he thinks he's more able to carry the basket....

So.....when I get home which newspaper should I contact so they can photograph me holding the heavy basket above my head and demanding and apology on the grounds of sexism.....or ageism?......Maybe mention I'm Irish for the hat-trick.....

Or....as he's not wearing a wedding ring....;-)....should I just thank him and have a bit of banter as we queue?

Poor menfolk.....you do have it rough at times.......xxx
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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You did not bat any eyelashes at him did you.
//So.....when I get home which newspaper should I contact so they can photograph me holding the heavy basket above my head and demanding and apology on the grounds of sexism.....or ageism?......//

Who would you be demanding the apology from ?
From the poor youth that she batted at.
Give Saga Magazine a bell...........

Legs it!!
Question Author
Do you know, Donny.....I was wearing a super new mascara....so you could be right..... ;-)

The Co-op, Baz.....or the man who lifted my basket.....Donald Trump.......don't know really...who do you think?...x
Question Author
That's an idea, Mamya....they may give me my own column!!!....x
Can you do demure and coy to go with the batting ?
The coop would respond they are not responsible for the kind nature of their customers

The lad is long gone

Trump is busy signing an executive order

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You think that'd be best, Donny?....Okay....we'll see what happens...x
Question Author
We may be able to find the young man on their CCTV, Baz.....x
Ok - I hope they coop erate
Question Author
Well there Asda be a way of finding him.....x
even i'd offer to help if i saw a lady with three or four cases of guinness in her trolley
Question Author
And you'd be rewarded royally, Ael........ ;-)

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