// I might give them a perfectly typed and erudite answer,//
jesus I do that every day - and you should hear the people on AB squawk ! blimey ear piercing shrieks as tho Black Nick himself was knocking on the door ....
erm - -
q why is falcciparum called malignant ?
a Oh that is quite an interesting question
q Yeah why ? I have four choices
a well it doesnt have a liver cycle
q yeah which out of superinfection, signet forms....
a. chloroquine ....
q - no, that is not a choice, superinfection ....
a. dont you want to know about
q no I dont trematodes are next, - now which of these four .....
that was tropical medicine that they wanted to clear in the shortest possible time
such is life ...
( names of diseases have been changed to protect the medical student )