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With The Current Middle East Situation.......

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ToraToraTora | 12:24 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | History
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Clearly there is no such thing as blasphemy, save as an excuse to abuse and control others. Any divine has no need of any defence of it's dignity, even assuming a devine has dignity in the first place.


Those who think blasphemy is a thing would probably be better off emigrating to a nation that has the same warped view and where parents pass it on to each new generation.

About 18 months ago in Wakefield an autistic 14-year-old boy and some friends at school accidentally caused very slight damage to a copy of the Koran.  Amid the ensuing uproar police found that no crime had been committed, but recorded it as a "hate incident."

Then, at a hastily arranged meeting at the local mosque - where the autistic boy's mother begged for forgiveness - a police inspector offered the imam "really, really deep-hearted thanks from me" for " the tolerance and understanding shown."

The autistic boy had received death threats.

Imagine if it had been a copy of the Bible - how do you think the police would have responded?  They'd probably have told anyone who complained to stop wasting police time.

UK interference in the Middle East has been the ruin of a couple of PMs (Eden, Blair), so we can only hope history repeats and we get a Left Leader the majority voted for.

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yeah thanks canary, any views on the islamification of the UK?

Well we have a left leader, one you your lot, but he wasnt voted by the majority at all.  Only 20% and polled less htan COB.

Some need educating - not reminding.

The 2021 census showed 46.2% of the population of England and Wales identified as Christian, 6.5% Muslim and 37.2% as no religion.

The previous Census showed the percentages were 59.3%, 4.8% and 25.1% respectively.

The number identifying as having no religion is increasing faster than those identifying as Muslims.

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With The Current Middle East Situation.......

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