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Jesus, the son of God

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johnlambert | 19:02 Sat 18th Feb 2006 | History
23 Answers

following on from charisma's threads.

If we are all god's children, why is Jesus special?



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Good question, Whats follows are my thoughts on the whole matter, no doubt you'll get different from somone else.

Assuming that there really is a God, that there is nothing at all that is beyond him,

God planted his seed in Mary, while keeping her a Virgin, so in the first instance, Jesus can be said to be the genetic offspring of god.

In the second instance, because Mary was a virgin, when Jesus was born, it was of a 'virgin birth'.

In the third instance, whilst Jesus was alive, he performed certain miracles.

And in the fourth instance, his death and ressurection.

Those, in my view, are the things that make Jesus special. However,

According to Christian teachings, God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit are one, (the trinity), if that is the case, and on the cross, Jesus called out to his 'father', it would indicate that they are seperate entities. It'll take a good man to explain that to me so I could understand.

Hi - yes good question and yes Jesus was meant to be special because his mother Mary was a virgin when she got pregnant. Keeping in mind that to make a baby you need 46 genetics cells - there are 23 in a womans egg and the remaining 23 in the mans winning sperm, at least half the genetics of jesus came from mary but how God got the other 23 cells in there I just do not know? But i am presuming that by some pure miracle as an act of God, Mary's body produced an egg with a full 46 cells which means it would develop in the womb rather than be flushed out during menstruation like all the other months eggs still only being 23cells..

I dont know, but its a thought...

Also if we are all decended from Adam and Eve, how come there are so many different languages?
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Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh gammaray, I hadnt thought of that
cos he's the eldest. it always helps!
The different languages are explained in the ' Tower of Babel' story.
The school psychiatrist told my mum that I was special.
Mmm, there's always a convenient "explanation" Lonnie, sadly God punishing the Babylonians for their pride, confusing their language and scattering them across the earth is about as likely as discovering the remains of Adam and Eve clutching an apple core.
Thats true grammaray, but as the question was about a biblical person, I thought i'd keep it in context,

The saying that we are all god's children is merely metaphorical. Meaning that God watches over us as a parent would: guiding us and allowing us to learn from our own mistakes.

Mary, whether a virgin or not, was made pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Which means that Jesus is God's actual son.

Fair enough Lonnie.
Because he is the example of life without sin. Jesus showed us how to live life and be good, he showed us that, yes YOU will suffer and YOU will feel pain in life, just as he did, but he gave us his shining example by showing that without his strength in God he would succumb to the evil behind the suffering. He was strong and did not change his beliefs, morals, values etc when he was put in such a terrible situation. Regardless of whether you belive in the virgin birth or that Jesus was a mortal man like you or I one thing remains the same, he proved that when you love God and love goodness, fear and evil can never touch you. We all look around and see evil whether it be corruption in our world leaders or the yobs on the street corner, we are not here to do the judging (the church must have missed that bit in the Bible) that will come for all of us one day, live your life with the examples of Jesus, FAITH MY FRIENDS.

jesus may have proved a lot of things but nobodies proved to any satisfactory level that he actually existed inthe first place.

Just a thought.

and Octavious...remember... you're unique-just like everybody else...tee hee

Isca, there are many books written by Historians who are not religious giving objective accounts of Jesus' life. We know that he existed, what we do not know is if he was 'the son of God' or the messiah, or whether he was an enlightened man just trying to show us a better way of living by highlighting the evil of the world around him or if he was a fraud.
sorry mate but im just not having that. there is no definative proof that the guy existed. if you find solace in religon thats cool. like Sinatra said "Whatever gets you through the night" but proof of the existence of a guy called jesus, son of god or not, is completely unsubstantiated.
Good point Isca, but I suppose I take proof in the hundreds of thousands of written accounts of his life and movements. I do not mean that sarcastic as it looks I believe that the world leaves us all the clues we need, whether it be in hieroglyphics or art or scripture etc. I have also read, but have no way of proving, that historical fact shows that Jesus actually married Mary Magdelene due to the written records kept by the scholars at the time of his life. I think too many people are brought up with drivel fed to them by the Churches to control and manipulate. The Bible I read said I should read it myself and gain my own relationship and understanding with God. In my opinion you are an example of a person who has been controlled by the masses by their interpretation of religion, please read it yourself and realise that even religion is corrupt. Because of the way you have been conditioned into thinking their interpretations are actually what the Bible says you have already switched off to th idea that this God thing might be true. Read it, The Bible tells me that it is the 'christians' that will be judged first because their are so many who have to listen to their pastor or preacher for their beliefs rather than God. I can see why you do not wnt to be a part of that. Too many people love their pastor rather than God. What do you think?
commonsense, this is beginging to get quite interesting. I need to have a good thing about this one. will get back to ya. Im a commited agnostic and that aint gonna change but none the less this is good stuff...

Jesus is very special in that he is the son of Almighty God. He was SENT to earth to give his perfect life in sacrifice for all our sins, the sins we inherited from Adam and Eve.[Matthew 26;54] Jesus DID have a pre-human existence in heaven alongside his heavenly Father. [Proverbs 8; 22 - 31..John 8;58 and 17;5 ]. And for further proof that Jesus WAS INDEED God's son, the account where he expelled the multiple demons from the man near the lake [ Matthew 8;29 & Luke 8;30]

Only Jesus has the privilege of having Almighty God as his direct Father.

In answer to Lonnie. The Trinity is a false teaching. There is almighty God. There is jesus his son, but there is no third party. The Holy Spirit is God's power, not a ;person.
An answer for Gammaray; Genesis 10; 9 describes Nimrod, a King who thought he could function without God's help. Genesis 11; 5 describes how he wanted to build a city, and ALL the people were of one language. God put a stop to that building program, not because of the building, but because of Nimrod's refusal to accept God's guidance, Then God 'confused' the language and they wandered off around the world because they could no longer understand each other. Gen. 11;7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another�s language".

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