Doh! The holy grail is the cup that His Lord Jesus Christ drank out of at the last supper. Why Leonardo Da Vinci would know where the holy grail is i dont know, nor believe. He was an artist, who created brilliant art yes, but he was alive over a thousand years after Jesus's death and ressurection and what makes Leo so special as to know where the grail was.
Why didn't he have it then? Why doesn't any of his family or descdendants have it ? Seeing whoever finds it would rake in millions, im surprised.
The Da Vinci Code is a work of Fiction, nothing more. (And blasphemous too). In fact, it s crap.
Seeing that Jesus was Jewish and he was mainly based in Israel, i dont know why most biblical things only seemed to be based elsewhere. The grail, and unfortunate this is, was probably washed up with the other cutlery at the last supper and no-one had it, or it was taken by one of the disciples who hid it and treasured it rightly so, or it was taken by God as was the Ark of The Covenant so us greedy people and Man wouldn't get our hands in it. No one deserves to find those things on this earth, or even to touch them. God is rightly hiding them.