Funnily enough last night I was playing around on youtube and found some conspiracy stuff. Most of it seemed like a load of B*llocks. There was a video of a fireman saying people had to stay out of the area because there was a bomb in the building (this was after the planes had hit). They don't take into account the amount of confusion there must have been that day. It would only take one person to come out of the building saying there had been a bomb (if you were inside you probably didn't know a plane had hit it) for the rumours to start. There was also some stuff about World Trade Center 7, people saying it was demolished rather than falling down of it's own accord. So what if it was? This was 7 or 8 hours after the towers had fallen, the building was badly damaged, there was nobody left in it. It may have been safer to demolish it than wait for it to fall in it's own time. However, this has give the conspiracy lot loads of ammunition as they now say this is what happened to the two towers! IMHO I think it's all a load of rot, and if you think about it logically you can pull most of their theories to shreds.