Hi could someone point me in the right direction as where to start to find out about a houses past please, as my friend lives in an old cottage and i would like to research its history as a pressie.
Thanks again.
The local library should have a reference section with local history, the reference librarian should also be able to give you some advice on where to start but the history channel also has a link where you might find some useful advice: http://www.hiddenhousehistory.co.uk/househisto rydesk/index_basic.php
im doing exactly this for my house and I am having a real nightmare trying t find what my road used to be called when it was built. Hope you have more luck than I do. I have looked everywhere.
You can get a full report from the Land Registry in Lytham on a single address and the previous owners thereof. One thing to bear in mind is it is strictly owners and NOT occupiers that are reported and if it turns out to have been, for example, a rented church house, then a better source of information might be the censuses up to 1901. In addition the report costs �50.00 because they haven't computerised all the records yet. On the other hand, for certain houses, it's money well spent.