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diane1 | 21:39 Sun 17th Aug 2003 | History
5 Answers
This morning my daughter announced that next term she'd like to do her project on 'Handbags, The History Of ..' I've always been a bit of a rucsac girl myself hence my need for help.


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Ok....unusual but what the's some links to try...

To be honest there's loads if you just type in Handbag and History to google.

I am extemely please that this schoolgirl is actually doing a project on handbags. I think it is the sort of project that will stand her in good stead for the rest of her life. Most children are expected to do projects about irrelivant subgext like the Hystorie of speelling and thinks, which of course are utterly useless.Let them leave aside historical and practical subjects, we do not want to go back to having children leave school with education, do we.
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Ho Ho Doristwonk are we being a bit spiky??? My daughters A-grades will see her through life along with her common sense and good manners. This personal project is just that, personal. She has chosen a subject that she will enjoy and quite frankly I imagine few of us know the history of everyday items we pass and see day in day out. Rather than assuming my daughter has some sort of intelligence deficit I think she should be commended for picking an everyday item and I know at the end she will produce an interesting, entertaining and informative piece of work. You should be wary of jumping to conclusions, it could be misconstrued as ignorance.
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thanks sft42 your a star, all those sites have given my daughter loads to work on, thanks again.
Diane,now if she gets around to the history of the contents of the handbags I bet she could learn a lot of social history as well ( and psychology too, in this house )!. I'm with you on this; it seems to me to be 'a valid subject of academic enquiry', if we must use stuffy language, but it's just the kind of thing that non-academics like to get 'spiky' about!

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