We need more astrologers like
The Great Zaganza from 'Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul' by Douglas Adams - he provides Dirk Gently (whom he knows personally) with 'personal' horoscopes and private joke messages in his daily column (e.g. 'You are very fat and stupid and persistently wear a ridiculous hat which you should be ashamed of.' ). Quality.
I'm not a great believer in things astrological myself (curious to know what in particular has made you begin to 'see the light' though!) so whilst I can offer no specific insights into the field myself I can point you in the direction of
The Astrology Shop. As well as being a useful source of info on all things astrological they also provide (for about �30) Character Portraits and detailed Year Forecasts, which make for interesting reading for those who are interested - they can be found at
or if you're ever in London, they're at 78 Neal Street WC2.