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US POWs imprisoned in Vietnam

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tali1 | 21:06 Sat 28th Feb 2009 | History
2 Answers
Is it true that there still US POWs imprisoned in Vietnam and that some are unaware the war is over?


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it's definately a possibility. i know that there were some soldiers discovered in the jungle 50years after the war had ended. they kept hiding when they saw people on occasion. i think they had virtually devoured the land scape of food and in desperation went to an area that was inhabitated even at the risk of capture. from what i recall of the incident they had pills on them that were to commit suicide. i don't remember much else.
It's highly unlikely. Why would the Vietnamese keep prisoners for so long?
Friends and relatives of service personnel missing in action would prefere to believe that they may still be prisoners rather than accept that they died serving their country.

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US POWs imprisoned in Vietnam

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