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marriage of my grandad and grandmother

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sammmo | 20:10 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | History
24 Answers
I have been trying to find out where my grandfather and grandmother married, My mother told me they married in london around 1917 his name was neighbour holder and she was lilian gurr she originated from upnor in kent and he came from cheltenham gloucestershire.. I have tried to find out more but i just can't find anything.. is there anyone who can help me find out?


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hi sammo.....well that is a copy and paste from the 1911 you not have access to your mother's birth certificate?
My grandmother was Ivy holder loooking at the 1901 cencus i could see the family lived at fairview road cheltenham i think she was born around 1903 they then moved to the reddings cheltenham and were market gardeners she lived in london near winsdor when she married but then moved to cheltenham with her husband i gather that some of her siblings did the same the youngest brother i think his name was wilfred carried on the smallholding and his son norman still lives there
my grandmother was ivy holder the 1901 cencus shows the family lived in fairview road cheltenham ivy was born about 1903 they moved to thr reddings cheltenham and ran a smallholding the youngest son i think his name was wilfred carrried on the business his son norman still lives there ivy and her husband lived in london near winsdor then moved to cheltenham i believe some of her siblings did the same
this does look like you have tyhe same ancestry as sammo then sue!

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marriage of my grandad and grandmother

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