The entail would go to the next male heir, if the family had no sons just daughters and the squire died, but he had a younger brother, then the brother would inherit and the daughters would be ousted along with his widow. If the brother was dead but had a son, the son would inherit, if the brother had no sons just daughters and was dead, but the squire had a living uncle, the living uncle would inherit over the nieces, but if the uncle was dead but had sons, the sonds of the uncle, the squires 1st cousins once removed would inherit. The village would have relied on the bounty o the manor and aquire for their kindling, the common land to graze their cow and pig, the small area to grow their own vegetables and fruit and for the seasonal employent of planting harvesting and beating. The village would pay rent to the manor and rely on the manor or housing and employment and religious leadership. By the time of the enclosures and the start of mass sowing of huge wheat crops, villagers were being forced to move into the towns and cities to survive or end up on the parish