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Your link is interesting Androcles although very careful in its choice of sources! At times the articles are celebratory however they skim the surface I think without being too contentious but leaving shadows of a dark hint at Guevara's complex character. I don't know where some of these sites arise from but they are very interesting and I shall dip into Lycos Retriever to read some more about this subject.
To totally bore you as my sole poster, if you do look into Guevara what I find extremely interesting about him is this almost dual, complex personality who trained as a Physician, was immensely affected by the human suffering he encountered from the Lepers to the survivors of the Japanese atomic bomb, had strong principles of equality and fairness, organised schools for the illiterate, helped promote literacy for the poor in Cuba and yet he presided over what some call the 'murder' of hundreds at La Cabana, he was feared for his ruthlessness and brutality evident in his punishing of defectors. Apparently he unhesitantly shot many deflectors without a thought. How could such a humane person be so cruel in the defense of his principles?
Principles which were growing Communist views as he sided with Mao's Communism. This is what I find really fascinating as he must have influenced Castro to begin with his anti-capitalist views but later seemed almost ostracised by Castro but not forgotten as Castro did send emissionaires to convince Guevara to abandon the Congo.