Learning to swim in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Learning to swim

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wolf63 | 02:16 Wed 10th Nov 2010 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
This is a cute clip of one mother trying to teach her little one to swim. Junior didn't seem to be very keen on the idea.

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Hi Susan - what a lovely clip - diligent and patient mum :o)
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I thought at one point that she was going to drown it.

I really should go to bed - nice and cosy, Frankie is warming it up for me.
That is excellent -- thanks wolf.
good start to the day to watch that wolf63 -thanks it was great
Thanks wolf - I adore otters & enjoyed watching it. ;o}
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The baby wasn't too keen - you would think that they would be born loving water. They are cute animals and it is a happy little clip.
how sweet - better than my mother's method...she pushed me in the deep end of the pool and waited for me to sink. however, i can swim now and got myself sorted out after that! i love the way mummy otter lets baby rest on her belly and have a practice - that's real parental responsibility and a strong bond. a shame that otters manage to do such a great job and our human species is falling to bits. very telling...x
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lcg - our parents must be related. My dad seemed to think that learning to swim was totally natural and also pushed me into the deep end (of the 'small' pool).

I am 47 now and still can't really swim - no confidence in the water at all.

My brother and SIL have been taking their little ones to swimming since they were babies and they are all pretty good at swimming.

Human parents could learn SO much from the other animals. Eating annoying children may not catch on though.

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