no, but have you turned the dial back to stop, give it a few minutes to reset, and restart the wash. I do that to mine, it usually works, but its getting old now and really we need a new one.
Put basically, if a washing machine stops mid cycle and it's still got power going to it OK then it's waiting for something to happen. Depending on where it's stopped and what state it is in at the time will tell you what it's waiting for and allow you to narrow down the problem. A couple of examples are... (as you've said it has water in it)
If it's stopped at the beginning on a hot wash with water in it then it's probably waiting for the water to be heated up.... possible element gone or thermostat.
If it's stopped at a point where it's trying to empty with water in it then it's probably the filter blocked or the pump jammed with something or the pumps knackered.
The first thing to do is try and get the water out, to do this all you have to do is drop the drain hose down to ground level and the water should run out (hopefully, unless the filter is blocked totally).... then once the water is out of it you can remove the filter (if it has one) and check it's clear (the filter will be on the front at the bottom... some water will come out even if you did empty it as above).... once the filter is removed you should also be able to see down to the bottom of the pump housing and visually check the pump hasn't got anything stuck in it... if all clear put the filter back in and give it another go...
If your machine hasn't got a filter that can be removed from the front then it's a case of removing the pump and checking the pump is clear and all the pipes are clear too.... not hard if you have access to some tools and a little bit of DIY/mechanical sense.
Many thanks to all. I have now solved the problem. When I said the electrics were OK I was mistaken. The cable had been extended using a connector and when I looked inside I found that the wires and insulation had melted! Yet strangely the fuse in the plug hadn't blown.
Either you have a serious fault on the machine, or whoever wired the connector up should be shot because they've not done it properly or used cable of the proper size!
You were lucky it didn't catch fire and burn your house down! for gods sake get it checked by somebody that knows what they are doing before before using it again