Ok so last week had water dripping through the kitchen door frame. Since the boiler had been leaking I was told to turn the water supply to the boiler off. Its been off since monday and the dripping has started again quite bad. Anyone got any ideas??
If I could afford one I would!! I have a friend coming to look at it but he cnt come till end of next week. Dripping stopped but has started again like 5 days later!
I do so hate the clever dick answers you get on here from people who have nothing positive to give.
That said, the first thing I would do is to check the connections above the kitchen door. Is there a bath/washbasin/toilet/radiator in the room above? If not, have the floorboard up to see if there is a leaky pipe underneath. Its probably something simple like a nut that needs tightening.
Is it drippoing constantly, or is it intermittent ??
If it's intermittent, it could be a leaking waste pipe somewhere. The leak might not necessarily be directly above the door - water could be dripping from elsewhere and running along and then dripping down the door.
Its coming from one point of the ceiling above the kitchen door. There's nothing above it coz its an extention. Am now thinking there's water pooled on the roof?
Its the door from the living room to the kitchen. The rest of the house is two floors. The boiler is in a bedroom at the back and the windows to that room are above the kitchen extention if that makes sense? But the water to the boiler has been turned off since monday! There's nothing else there! I've lived here 4 and a half years and the extention was built a couple of years before that. Never had a problem with leaks or anything before now!!
Its been really hot the last week so no rain at all! Theres no water tank where the boiler is at all so I'm guessing on demand. No emmersion heater if that helps! There was water outside I could hear but as the washing machine was on at the time I cnt say if it was conected!
The bathroom is downstairs in the extention aswell. There are no damp spots anywhere else in the house at all apart from that one part of the kitchen. The rest of the extention is fine!