Film, Media & TV3 mins ago
Hi , please can someone give me some advice on cleaning leather my daughter gave me her white leather sofa it's beautiful, I was giving these wipes that are very expensive.
At my age you'd think I would know how to clean leather but with it being white or a very light cream, I don't want to do anything wrong as it is so beautiful in my lounge any ideas appreciated.
At my age you'd think I would know how to clean leather but with it being white or a very light cream, I don't want to do anything wrong as it is so beautiful in my lounge any ideas appreciated.
Glycerin saddle soap -you can buy it in a spray or block and this cleans and supples the leather without adding colour https://www. monsterpetsu /horse/wear- and-rugs/gol d-label-soft -saddle-soap -500-g?utm_s ource=google &utm_med ium=shopping &utm_cam paign=google -shopping&am p;gclid=COXo yKX7qcsCFcFs GwodZJ0I6g
16:27 Sat 05th Mar 2016
We use these on our pale fawn leather car seats.
http:// www.lak eland.c 689/Lak eland-2 4-Leath er-Wipe s
Glycerin saddle soap -you can buy it in a spray or block and this cleans and supples the leather without adding colour
https:/ / nsterpe tsuppli k/horse /wear-a nd-rugs /gold-l abel-so ft-sadd le-soap -500-g? utm_sou rce=goo gle& ;utm_me dium=sh opping& amp;utm _campai gn=goog le-shop ping&am p;gclid =COXoyK X7qcsCF cFsGwod ZJ0I6g