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Thanks buildersmate, it did seem a bit strange not to have a room thermo. Touching the rads half of them don't seem to be kicking out as much heat as I would expect. While the top is hot the bottom and return pipe is only warm, so I'm guessing the whole system maybe a bit sludgy. I'll get someone round to service the boiler and gas fire (as I'm not convinced that's safe to run, as it gives me headaches when switched on) and ask them about the whole thing.
It's also depressing that I'm needing to put the CH on so early, damn this cold house. Walls are solid so no chance of cavity insul, and there's about at least 100mm of insul glass fibre in the loft. The windows are old DG with wood fittings, so I can see this being the only other thing I can replace to heat up the house somewhat. The windows and poss a new boiler / system, crimbo is on the cheap this year :)