Help ... I'm going insane! in The AnswerBank: DIY
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Help ... I'm going insane!

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figure | 18:56 Fri 09th May 2008 | DIY
5 Answers
I have four smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors and remember setting up three; the fourth one, I don't remember what I did with it. I don't remember if it was stored away with batteries in it or not. Now, I'm hearing that beep beep sound that emanates from the alarm when the batteries have expired.

The batteries have been removed from the three alarms and I am still hearing that annoying driving-me-crazy beep beep. My question is - if batteries were in the misplaced alarm, will it eventually stop beeping? I just cannot find it, and each room I go into the beep sound as thought it's in said room. This is driving me insane, please help!!!!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Now that has to be really annoying!!

Yeah it will stop, errrrr, the bad news is this could take anything from a couple hours to several days.
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Thanks Mark for answering so quickly. You cannot imagine how comforting it is to know that 'that' annoying beep will stop.
errr you did spot the part that said several days didn't you?
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It's been well over twenty-four hours and the blo0dy thing is still beep beep beep.
If you are ever tempted to get one of those "whistle / clap for your keys" keyrings, then remember this experience. They go off for everything - we had to throw it away - a long way away!

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