Although the depth of your pond has some bearing on this solution, it worked very well for a neighbor who had a small hole in the bottom of his above ground 4 foot deep swimming pool. The pool maker said just to cut a piece of pool fabric, in this case heavy duty plastic at least twice the size of the hole... overlap the hole by at lleast one inch, more's better. Using any glue for plastic (check at a pool supply company or use model airplane glue) and coat one side of the "patch". Just before you're ready to reach in and place the patch, fold it in two with the glue inside the fold. Quickly reach in and unfold the patch and place it (glue side down, of course) over the hole and smooth it. The trick is, the weight of the water will hold it in place, so not a lot of glue is mandatory. This has worked at least three times for my friend... enough to help me in my argument that, no, our kids don't need a pool...
Best of luck!