Washing Machine Problem in The AnswerBank: DIY
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Washing Machine Problem

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Charlotte1486 | 12:13 Mon 26th Oct 2009 | DIY
3 Answers
Hi, my washer/dryer has stopped drying, it doesn\'t appear to be heating up, when it works the clothes come out hot but now they are coming out cold (and still wet). I am not sure if the washer side of it is working I have not used it since it stopped working yesterday. Also when I got home yesterday the electricity had gone off in the whole house, and when I clicked it on again the dryer started again, so I presume it went off mid cycle, could this have broken it? Any ideas whats wrong with it and how to fix it? I\'ve got lifetime guarantee with it so I can get it fixed but if its something easy il get my partner to do it. Many thanks.
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Hi Charlotte. I've never had a washer/dryer, but I had a similar problem with my dryer a few years ago. Someone told me to check the back of the machine for a "reset" button. Sure enough there it was, I pushed it back in and hey presto, dryer back to normal. It might be worth checking if there is such a thing on the back of your machine.
If you have a lifetime Guarantee the best thing is not to touch it as it may invalidate the Guarantee !
Start the Tumbledrying sequence from the beginning once again as the break in the Power Supply may well have disrupted the cycle.
Also check your filter is not full of fluff!!

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