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sad old git | 01:07 Mon 09th May 2011 | Gardening
5 Answers
Hello All. I have a rogue rose bush growing on the top of my backyard wall.The root is embedded in between the top layer of bricks and is forcing them apart which could be a safety hazard. Have any of you ABers any ideas of how to get rid of or killthis root? I have thought of burning it with a blowtorch or spraying it with battery acid but maybe you guys have some more practical ideas? Any help would be good. Cheers. S.O.G


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use glyphosate on the rose now and be patient as it will take a while for the root to die..if it is still alive in 4 weeks then treat again and just keep doing it.
05:05 Mon 09th May 2011
use glyphosate on the rose now and be patient as it will take a while for the root to die..if it is still alive in 4 weeks then treat again and just keep doing it.
can only agree with woofgang - use a systemic weedkiller that will be absorbed through leaves and apply to any new growth - hacking / burning is only likely to make the plant stronger - may take a while
or cut it off and cover it in root killer
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Thank you all for your input. A friend of mine has just come up with a concoction of white vinegar and fresh lemon juice mixed together and sprayed onto the offending root what do you think? S.O.G
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woofgang. Thank you for your help if the vinegar doesn't work then I will try your glyphosate. Can It be bought at most garden centres or at B&Q?A.O.G

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