You must be very proud of your location in the Country, peace and quiet and all the Wildlife as well. What could be nicer.
When my Grandfather was alive he had 3/4 Acre of Garden but he was more into Veg and Fruit etc , not as many Flowers as you.
Mr LL does the veg. He doesn't know one flower from another!! Most countrymen are not flower gardeners in my opinion. (I was born in London). They seem to concentrate on Veg. Farmers are the worst gardeners.
Mr LL isn't a countryman either. He was born in distant lands. We have lived here for 32 years though, so perhaps he has become a countryman or just "an ol' boi"
My Grandfather used to leave all the Flowers to my Swiss Grandmother, Women seem to know more about them Lottie. I'm not very good at identifying Flowers either although I love to admire other peoples Gardens.
I'm OK with the Veg !!
Hi DEN. How are you? How is your knee and how is Mum?
We have half an acre and some of it is quite wild. That is a corner near the house and conservatory where the garden table and chairs are. I couldn't possibly cope with a whole garden looking like that.
Afternoon Lottie - my Mum is not too bad, thanks for asking. She seems to have accepted the Care Home and is quite happy. Just me an Dad can't get our heads round it yet.
I remember the pics of your garden last year, beautiful.
Mine has lots of wild bits Euphemia. It's really designed for wildlife. There might be some large wildlife lurking too, some of the trees and bushes and huge. There may be elephants for all I know! ;o)
Rowan (witch) had a beautiful Garden as well Lottie as I have seen a few Pics. She is a very keen Gardener and very knowledgeable as well.
She also designs Gardens