Food & Drink1 min ago
Bougainvillea is delightful, I love it, beware though because it is poisonous and also has long sharp thorns. Geraniums love the heat and are bright and easy, a mimosa tree in a pot will both brighten and perfume January for you. Citrus trees can be awkward as they get red spider mite which is hard to get rid of. Jasmine is easy and lovely stephanotis beautifully scented, look at hoyas for oneupmanship, also the Rothschild lily (gloriosa lily) which is dead easy and unusual. Gardenias smell divine too.
Can you tell I am jealous?
Can you tell I am jealous?
Daturas, oleander, cestrum nocturnum, plumbego, Jasmine, gingers, bananas, infact, i use this lot