we have recently done some work in the garden and now have a 6 ft gap in the privet hedge at the end which we need to fill in with a fast growing bush. the privet is between us and next door but is our responsibility. Any ideas what we could put there. The hedge is next to the driveway. thanks
also we have 3 lots of decking in back garden which is a mess after having loads of decking stain applied half of which just comes off, we use cuprinol stain not a varnish. we need to get it all off and start again but the power wash won't get it all off, so apart from pulling the whole lot up and starting again, whats the best to use on it for both ridding the stuff on now and what to use when we next stain it.
Escallonia? Evergreen, pretty pinky red flowers. Grows to about 8 ft, though you can prune/clip it back. Try C F Ball variety.
Hypericum Hidcote - almost evergreen, 6' tall, yellow flowers all summer, very cheerful.
If it's hot and dry you could try Rosemary.