Slugs Yuk in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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Slugs Yuk

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Ric.ror | 21:12 Wed 29th May 2013 | Gardening
19 Answers
Just driven down the path
There must be at least 10 massive black ones on the path
I would not mind I only put the nemaslug stuff on last night
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Rains probably washed it off though, Ric.ror.
I spent twenty minutes at the crack of dawn this morning picking slugs off my lettuces - I should have been picking up burlars! Iky bl00dy things - where's the salt
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No apparently the rain washed it into the soil
Or even burglars (My car was broken into)
give them beer!
They're heading for the gate!
Just don't step on them in bare feet, ric.ror - I speak from experience when I say that squashed slug between the toes is not a pleasant sensation.
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Doctordb I fear you may be right
I wonder if they eat wood
I don't imagine the slugs find it a pleasant experience either boxtops, incidentally, what weight are you?
Get yerself a hedgehog, that will sort the critters out.
Last year, in what was laughingly called Summer, I went out one day and collected 287 slugs and put them into an old Waitrose plastic bag(nothing but the best plastic bags for MY slugs!!). They weighed a ton. They were sooooo heavy. I covered them with salt, tied up the bag and shoved it into the skip at the end of the road. Next day I went out and collected another load. I stopped counting at 100 that time as it was obvious I might be getting obsessed. I went out EVERY day and collected a bag of them. I went through a lot of plastic bags and a lot of salt but the slugs went through ALL my plants in the garden. Some of the slugs were about 4 - 5 inches long. Yuck. Now that we have another load of rain, they're on the march again. No matter what you put down pellets, beer etc... NOTHING works. Another summer, another battle is about to commence. Good luck everyone. Seek and destroy !
2 hedgehogs would be better
Are you a mathematician janbee? :-)
Isn't putting salt on slugs really cruel?
I 'd love to be able to get hedgehogs into my garden but don't know where to get them. Maybe Hedgehogs 'r' Us ? I'd need a whole squad of them and I only have a small garden. What must it be like for people with great big gardens, estates etc.?
Wharton, yes, as a matter of fact. I'm an accountant.
People with great big gardens and estates probably don't know what a slug (or a hedgehog) look like.
janbee - well, account for yourself madam, sorry, all I could think of :-)
Well someone needs to educate the hedgehogs here because they don't touch the slugs ! they turn the ground over for worms and destroy all the newly planted seedlings . We have removed thousands of slugs over the years but its a futile battle. They decimate my iris leaves and as for the dahlias,, enough said. I see about 3 hedgehogs a night in my garden !

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