Rhubarb in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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Barmaid | 10:31 Sat 07th Mar 2015 | Gardening
2 Answers
I put a rhubarb plant in last year. At the time it looked pretty healthy, but the wind got to it and snapped so I assumed it had died. I have just been out in the garden and noticed that it is putting out one stalk and a leaf. What should I do with it now? Should I stick a bucket on it? Will it fruit this year?

It will probably have to be moved in a few months but how can I keep it going in the meantime?

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leave it alone. rhubarb is quite hardy once established. just think. crumble :)
if you will need to move it in a few months you might like to think of potting it up now before it makes more root growth. Use a huge pot and take it up with a big clump of earth. Otherwise leave it where it is. Forcing (the bucket thing) takes strength from the plant so don't try and do it this year, get it settled, give it a year to grow then force the year after that and only force on alternate years.

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