I have just recently retired and taken up gardening for the first time in my life, so please forgive me for what might seem like a stupid question. . . . I have planted various seeds (flowers & veg) and they are growing well. But the top of the compost in the plant pots is starting to turn green, like a mossy type of stuff. If this isn't normal what should I do ?.
It is moss, or something similar and grows on the moist compost, especially if it's indoors. Nothing to worry about as presumably you'll be potting-on the flowers/veg. If you're worried, just use a thin stick to turn the top of the compose, being careful not to disturb the new plants.
You might be over watering a bit...allow the plants to slightly dry out between waterings. Also, check the water can escape out the bottom of the pots....moss is usually a sign of poor drainage.
Just use a stick or a dinner fork and lightly break up the surface as mentioned.
At this time of the year I'm sure you will be getting condensation the greenhouse, as we are still getting frosts. During the day make sure there is some ventilation. Leave the door slightly open along with a roof vent, this will reduce the dampness on your compost. Dont get too enthusiastic and over water your seedlings. As others have said turn the surface of the compost over and see if it is damp under the surface ... if it is, then you are over doing it.
Thanks to all you guys. No doubt that over the next few months i'll be asking some more really dumb questions. But I suppose that's what the answer bank is all about. Thanks again.
Thanks Maydup. I don't know how you will learn a great deal from me just yet. But I am having a go at growing tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers,chilli's & a few different types of flowers for the wife's hanging. Sorry I meant hanging basket.