I spent several hours in the garden today. A few hours after I finished I suddenly became aware of a burning sensation across my lower back under the level of the waistband on the shorts I was wearing. When I looked it was red raw like sunburn and very hot to touch. It runs right across below my waist and is several inches deep.
I didn't feel anything sting me but could have been bitten perhaps or is it likely to have been some sort of reaction?
Shingles is not very nice. I've had them and never want them again. Sunstroke seems more likely; you'd know if you had shingles, the pain and discomfort is indescribable.
Was your back exposed to the sun ag? If not, I don;t see how it can be sunburn. If it was a bit you would feel something, a bump, lump. What sort of plant were you working near?
Chickenpox is rampant at the moment, most of my grandnieces, nephews have it along with their toddler friends, it could be just coincidence you were out in the garden, sounds like shingles a kind of chicken pox for adults
Mazie - I was mainly weeding and chopping up sticks and thorn branches.I wore gloves throughout and a t-shirt.My back would have been exposed slightly at times bending over but this is all below waist level at the back.
There is no comparison between chicken pox and shingles. Shingles is the most debilitating illness I have ever suffered and there is no cure; you just have to let nature take its course. I was laid up for four weeks and I was only in my 30s at the time.
What sort of plants where in the borders that you could have rubbed against? Anyway do you have any calamine lotion..or baking soda?mix the baking soda to a paste and put it on your back
It sounds to me like that every time you bent down to do the gardening, your shorts were dragged down a little bit and the sun got to your back and you got sunburned. The redness is too uniform to be caused by shingles, a bite etc