Here in Pembs, expect people further south and west have had them for ages but it is a cheering sight in the garden and a guarantee that there will be plenty for St. David's Day :-))
We have a beautifully cared for triangle at the end of our lane, Haras. Last week it was edged with daffodils. Such a cheery sight especially on gloomy days.
Yesterday driving to and from big town the yellow of the daffodils and whins took my mind off the unexpected visit to the dentist. :-)
The children of the local town, over the last few years have planted bulbs along the verges and on the roundabouts on the outskirts. What a difference it makes! This year there are plans to scatter wild flower seeds on those areas :-)
My little daffs are well in bud but not blooming yet but I have a lot of snowdrops. They were late blooming this year, I thought my gardener had dug them up!