I've recently moved & the garden was a bit overgrown & unattented to. We've managed to cut a lot ofplants & bushes right back but there are four large bushes that were planted near each other & grew very wild & out of control. I think th eroots are quite well established so I need to know how to kill the roots off without having to dig it all up?
Hi Katie, You can treat the sawn off stumps with various products on the market, some of the brand names are- 'Rootout', 'Deep root', 'Sbk Brushwood killer', The methods may vary depending on the one you choose but usually it involves drilling into the stumps, treating and covering and sit back and wait. Good Luck Tbird+
excellent, thanks for the info Thunderbird - i'll get to homebase to buy some now. Saves a lot of time & energy from trying to dig them up. we've already broke two forkes trying to!!